Keywords: management, public relations, participation, community


Public relations management activities include the main functions of management in general, function and aim to create and develop the best perception for an educational institution organization whose activities directly or indirectly have an impact on the future of the educational institution organization. This study was conducted to explore and describe "Public Relations Management in Improving Community Participation in MAN 3 Kediri" with the aim of knowing how the concept of public relations management in MAN 3 Kediri is, what is the general condition of the form of community participation in MAN 3 Kediri and how the role model of management is public relations in increasing the participation of the surrounding community in MAN 3 Kediri. This type of research uses a qualitative approach, and the data collection method uses in-depth interviews, participant observation, and documentation. Then the data is analyzed in three stages, namely data verification, data display and data reduction. The results of this study indicate that the concept of effective madrasa relationship management with the internal community contributes to the smoothness of the madrasa relationship with the external community. Through the freedom of communication within the internal environment of the madrasa, all madrasa residents have the same opportunity to be creative and express opinions. Thus, a number of madrasa relations activities with the community were born to garner community participation. The general condition of the form of community participation through public relations management begins with participatory planning and organizing in the form of an implementing committee by involving all relevant elements of the madrasa. The next process is activation in the form of communication and implementing activities. The most intimate communication is carried out by the madrasa with the madrasa committee which aims to absorb the aspirations of ideas, and the needs of the community. The last process of public relations management is the control carried out on the process of activities and the results of public relations activities. The role model of public relations management in increasing community participation around MAN 3 Kediri is facilitated and mobilized by the madrasa committee. Community participation in the form of decision-making, program implementation, benefit-taking, and evaluation.

Author Biography


Public relations management activities include the main functions of management in general, function and aim to create and develop the best perception for an educational institution organization whose activities directly or indirectly have an impact on the future of the educational institution organization. This study was conducted to explore and describe "Public Relations Management in Improving Community Participation in MAN 3 Kediri" with the aim of knowing how the concept of public relations management in MAN 3 Kediri is, what is the general condition of the form of community participation in MAN 3 Kediri and how the role model of management is public relations in increasing the participation of the surrounding community in MAN 3 Kediri. This type of research uses a qualitative approach, and the data collection method uses in-depth interviews, participant observation, and documentation. Then the data is analyzed in three stages, namely data verification, data display and data reduction. The results of this study indicate that the concept of effective madrasa relationship management with the internal community contributes to the smoothness of the madrasa relationship with the external community. Through the freedom of communication within the internal environment of the madrasa, all madrasa residents have the same opportunity to be creative and express opinions. Thus, a number of madrasa relations activities with the community were born to garner community participation. The general condition of the form of community participation through public relations management begins with participatory planning and organizing in the form of an implementing committee by involving all relevant elements of the madrasa. The next process is activation in the form of communication and implementing activities. The most intimate communication is carried out by the madrasa with the madrasa committee which aims to absorb the aspirations of ideas, and the needs of the community. The last process of public relations management is the control carried out on the process of activities and the results of public relations activities. The role model of public relations management in increasing community participation around MAN 3 Kediri is facilitated and mobilized by the madrasa committee. Community participation in the form of decision-making, program implementation, benefit-taking, and evaluation.

How to Cite
BUDI, M. H. (2022). MANAJEMEN HUBUNGAN MASYARAKAT DALAM MENINGKATKAN PARTISIPASI MASYARAKAT SEKITAR DI MAN 3 KEDIRI. IJEMA: Indonesian Journal Of Educational Management and Administration, 1(1), 21-30. Retrieved from