Keywords: Regional Library Service, Improving Thinking Quality


Library services are a form of activity related to the use of services or the use of library collections (information) for the benefit of users. This research was conducted to explore and analyze the service system of the local public library in Bondowoso Regency in improving the quality of people's thinking. With the aim of knowing how far the services of regional public libraries in improving the quality of thinking, how the implementation of program activities is carried out. This type of research uses a qualitative approach, and the data collection method uses in-depth interviews, participant observation, and documentation. The method used in this research is using a qualitative approach, this type of research uses descriptive research. With data collection techniques observation, interviews, and documentation using SWOT analysis. The results of the study showed that the Bondowoso Regional Public Library had carried out services according to government regulations so that this library service could provide great benefits to the progress of the mindset of the Bondowoso community in general. In terms of library services, many provide all facilities to make it easier for people to read and explore knowledge through the books provided. The mobile library is a program and activity that is always a routine schedule for the public library in every week at least 3 times carrying out activities for traveling to Bondowoso areas according to the specified schedule. In addition, the program carried out with reference to increasing public interest in reading is carried out by holding elementary, junior high or high school level competitions with various branches of competition including speech competitions, poetry competitions, short stories competitions according to their respective levels. Along with the development of technology, this library is also required to be able to follow the progress of modern civilization by utilizing technology as a means to facilitate services and make it easier to access information needed by users.

Author Biography


Journal of Community Service (JPKM) Mimbar At-Taqwa Bondowoso Islamic School is a journal that publishes research articles as a result of community service from lecturers with a focus and scope in the fields of education, law, economics, humanities, engineering, agriculture, communication, Health, and Engineering.

How to Cite
GOFFAR, A. (2022). PELAYANAN PERPUSTAKAAN UMUM DAERAH DALAM MENINGKATKAN KUALITAS KEMAMPUAN BERFIKIR MASYARAKAT. IJEMA: Indonesian Journal Of Educational Management and Administration, 1(1), 31-37. Retrieved from