Lilit Biati, Ribut Suprapto, Siti Nur Afifatul Hikmah, Abdul Wasik

  • Lilit Biati Institut Agama Islam Darussalam Blokagung Banyuwangi


The Sekardadu (Sekolah Rawat Daerah Aliran Sungai) program is one of the pillars in the Banyuwangi Rebound Program with the Knitting Harmony design. Some of the activities in the pillars of building harmony are a) empowering HIPPA by improving community-based irrigation management, b) increasing the capacity of HIPPAM administrators for community clean water services, c) maturing innovations including Tandonization to maintain water availability based on conservation tourism education, and initiating programs Sekardadu in Banyuwangi involves involving schools as agents of change and participating in keeping watersheds clean and beautiful. One of the aims of holding this program is to improve the environmental health of the community, especially environmental health along the river flow in Banyuwangi.

The aims of this service are: Providing knowledge about the dangers of littering in river water, Inviting people to directly clean up rubbish on the banks of the river and be careful not to let it fall into the river.

The expected output of assistance is that by empowering elementary school students, it is hoped that it can foster a sense of love for cleanliness around rivers. It is hoped that there will be awareness from an early age not to throw rubbish into river water channels. Apart from students, encouraging parents to get used to healthy living by protecting the environment around rivers also has a positive impact on children.

Keywords: Sekardadu, Educational Institutions, Agents of change.

Author Biography

Lilit Biati, Institut Agama Islam Darussalam Blokagung Banyuwangi

The Islamic Akademika Journal is published by STAI At-Taqwa Bondowoso to serve the interests of researchers and researchers, lecturers, academics for Islamic studies and education. The goal is to publish high-quality research journals in social sciences, such as Islamic studies, education, humanities, management and Islamic law, theology. Contributions to journals can be in the form of research articles or review articles. This journal is published regularly, with two editions annually in January-June and July-December, and is published in Bondowoso as well as East Java. This Islamic Academika Journal was created by the STAI At-Taqwa Bondowoso.
