IJIE: Indonesian Journal Of Inovation Engagement http://ejurnal.staiattaqwa.ac.id/index.php/p3m22 <p style="text-align: justify;">The IJIE: Indonesian Journal Of Innovation Engagement is published by management of Islamic education Program STAI Di Taqwa Bondowoso to serve the interests of researchers and researchers, Lecturers, Academics for Islamic studies and education. The aim is to publish high-quality research journals in the smanagement of Islamic education, leadership, infrastructure management, institutional management, management philosophy, human resource management, public relations, organization, financing management and so on. Contributions to journals can be made as research articles or review articles. This journal is published periodically, with two editions each year in Januari-Juni and Juli-December, and published in Bondowoso also in East Java. The Academic Islamic Journal was created and guided by STAI Di Taqwa through the Center for Research and Community Service (P3M).</p> en-US suheri.lpdp@gmail.com (Suheri) Thu, 26 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0000 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 PROSPEKTIF POLA ASUH UNTUK MENEKAN IMPLIKASI NEGATIF DAN DESTRUKTIF DI ERA DIGITALISASI http://ejurnal.staiattaqwa.ac.id/index.php/p3m22/article/view/280 <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>The family as one of the three educational environments isthe first and foremost educational place for character building of the children. Families as locus character formation of the childrenneed to develop pattern of fosteror pattern of interaction which is educative and effective. Parenting patterns that parents do to the children aim to serve the physical and psychological needs of children. In addition, foster pattern can be implemented in the form of socialization of norms prevailing in society so that children can live in harmony with the environment.The pattern of parenting of children in the family consists of four (4) categories that is a authoritarian parenting, permissive parenting, parenting that is lacks demands on children and less responsive to the needs of children (the uninvolved person), authoritative or democratic parenting. A great parent should be involved in educating children with democratic parenting, positive, effective, constructive and transformative. Parents must educate the children is not by force andcoercion, but provide freedom with a strict control so that the children grow and develop positively and well. Parents have to educate children is not by coercion, but to offer freedom with a strict control so that childrenstill growing and a well developed. The pattern of care needed in the digital era is a authoritative and democratic parenting. This parenting pattern seeks to helpthe children to be critical of the negative effects of the digital era. Therefore, parents should be able to educate and guiding the children to use digital media for the right and positive purpose.</em></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong><em>&nbsp; Keywords: F</em></strong><em>amily, parentsparenting,authoritative, democratic, digital era.</em></p> vera Feryyal ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://ejurnal.staiattaqwa.ac.id/index.php/p3m22/article/view/280 Mon, 18 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 PELATIHAN BAHASA INGGRIS BAGI GENERASI MUDA DALAM MENYOKONG INDUSTRI PARIWISATA DI SDN INPRES 4/82 BATU LUBANG PULAU LEMBEH http://ejurnal.staiattaqwa.ac.id/index.php/p3m22/article/view/287 <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>Bahasa Inggris merupakan salah satu bahasa internasional yang digunakan oleh hampir semua masyarakat di dunia. Seiring berkembangnya zaman, Bahasa Inggris memiliki pengaruh yang begitu besar di berbagi sektor&nbsp; termasuk sektor pariwisata. Seperti yang kita ketahui bahwa Indonesia termasuk dalam sektor pariwisata dunia, maka ada beberapa daerah di Indonesia yang mendukung keberadaannya tersebut termasuk Pulau Lembeh di kota Bitung. Kegiatan PKM (Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat) ini yang difokuskan kepada siswa SD guna memberi sumbangsi pendidikan bahasa Inggris&nbsp; sebagai bekal menyiapkan diri untuk mengambil bagian pada sektor Pariwisata yang merupakan daerah mereka tinggal. Ada beberapa&nbsp;</em><em>kecamatan dan kelurahan yang terdapat di pulau ini termasuk di dalamnya yaitu kelurahan Batu Lubang yang terdapat di kecamatan Lembeh Selatan. Lokasi ini dipilih karena merupakan daerah yang strategis yang terdapat di pulau Lembeh. Adapun tujuan PKM (Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat) di SDN INPRES 4/82 Batu Lubang yakni mendukung terciptanya generasi muda yang memiliki sumber daya manusia berkualitas yang terkait dengan kemampuan berbahasa Inggris agar kelak mereka mampu mengambil bagian dalam sektor pariwisata di daerahnya sendiri.</em></p> <p style="text-align: justify;">&nbsp;</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Keywords</strong>: <em>bahasa Inggris, pariwisata, pendidikan</em></p> ririn tasumbey ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://ejurnal.staiattaqwa.ac.id/index.php/p3m22/article/view/287 Mon, 18 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 “WRITING ASSISTANCE PKM ARTICLES FOR COLLABORATIVE KKN STUDENTS AT BESOWO KEPUNG KEDIRI” http://ejurnal.staiattaqwa.ac.id/index.php/p3m22/article/view/291 <p style="text-align: justify;">The focus and purpose of the assistance carried out is to encourage the potential of students participating in the 2023 Collaborative KKN to be able to maximize their ability to write PKM articles. Collaborative KKN participants will later be able to share the results of their observations and analysis regarding the work programs that have been carried out and how to make recommendations based on existing service experience. The method used is ABCD or Asset Based Community-driven Development which prioritizes the utilization of student assets and potential. Assets in this case can be intellectual potential, culture, interests and talents, systems, which can be used to make PKM articles. The ABCD steps include discovery, dream, design, define, destiny. The results of the assistance are, there are several things that cause a weak culture of writing articles. In this mentoring activity, a sustainable schedule is made so that output is achieved in the form of PKM articles compiled by students based on work programs that have been carried out.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><br>Keywords: Writing, Assistance, Articles, Collaborative.</p> Moh. Irmawan Jauhari ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://ejurnal.staiattaqwa.ac.id/index.php/p3m22/article/view/291 Mon, 18 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000 PEMBERDAYAAN DAN PEMBINAAN ECO MASJID UNTUK MEWUDUDKAN MASJID YANG NYAMAN DAN KONDUSIF SEBAGAI PUSAT KEGIATAN SOSIAL DAN IBADAH MASYARAKAT DESA KEMBANG TLOGOSARI BONDOWOSO http://ejurnal.staiattaqwa.ac.id/index.php/p3m22/article/view/293 <p style="text-align: justify;">The house of Allah, which is commonly called a mosque is a place where muslims pray in congregation five times a day, maintained and empowered for the benefit of the people. The establishment of a mosque has automatically reflected a close connection for all the needs of the people‟s lives. The mosque is no longer synonymous only as a place for prayer, but the mosque is also a place for broadcasting islam and as a place for preaching to travelers, but it is more empoweringthe functions and benefits of the establishment of a mosque in the midst of the exisrence of the people. No longer consider the existence of a mosque only as a complement to a complex, a residential area, an office and especially only for prayer.<br>The objectives of this PKM are : 1) to realize a green and conducive mosque, 2) to realize a mosque that has good governance to support the creation of musque as a center of worship, a center of the people‟s economy, a center for social activities, and a center for the benefit of muslims in the context orealizing an Islamic and civilized society, 3) providing enlightenment to the community regarding mosque management based on monotheism, morals, fiqh dan fostering muslim families. Carry out eco-mosques by cleaning regularly, planting trees and vegetables withintegrating irrigation from infiltration wells where ablutions and bathrooms can be used for watering so that water is not wasted in vain.<br>The method used in this PKM research is qualitative using a PAR (Participatory Action Research) approach, while the strategies used are : 1) social and community investigations, 2) self-integration with the community, 3) tentative planning, 4) formation of core groups, 5) community organizing, 6) community meetings, 7) mobilization, 8) evaluation, 9) formalization of community-based organizations, 10) consolidation and expansion.<br>The results of this activity are : 1. The implementation of eco-mosque activities by cleaning the mosque by planting trees and vegetables around the mosque by utilizing infiltration water from the disposal of residual ablution water so that the mosque becomes green, comfortable and conducive. 2. The formation of posdaya management or structure n carrying out PKM assistance activities which will later be responsible for the sustainability of the mosque‟s PKM eco-mosque.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><br><strong>Keywords: empowerment, eco-mosque, Tlogosari flower village.</strong></p> Firdausih Firdausih ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://ejurnal.staiattaqwa.ac.id/index.php/p3m22/article/view/293 Thu, 26 Oct 2023 04:26:50 +0000 STUDENTS PERCEPTION THE STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESS OF USING MIND MAPPING IN SPEAKING CLASS http://ejurnal.staiattaqwa.ac.id/index.php/p3m22/article/view/286 <p>The aims of the research are to explore <em>The Strengths and Weakness of Using Mind Mapping in Speaking Class Students Perceptions. </em>Based on researcher observation of second semester English language education students, some of them were fluent and not fluent in speaking in English at the time of them doing presentation by using mind mapping, thus the researcher wanted to conduct research on the strengths and weakness of using mind mapping at speaking class 2 semester. The researcher has carried out this research use qualitative research methodology and collected the data through Questionaries’ and Interview. The objects of this research are 30 students speaking class at STKIP Yapis Dompu. The result of this research had found the strengths of using mind mapping are easy to understand and structured. Mind mapping makes student’s accustomed to organizing and grouping important information from the main concepts or ideas of subject matter. Mind mapping also makes the learning atmosphere fun and increases creativity and some student’s learning interest. The weakness of using mind mapping are the difficulty in making mind mapping and also only students who are actively involved because not all students are learning by using mind mapping because of difficulty in speaking English.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Strengths: Mind Mapping<em>:</em> Weakness<em>: </em>Speaking</p> Indah Afrianti ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://ejurnal.staiattaqwa.ac.id/index.php/p3m22/article/view/286 Thu, 26 Oct 2023 04:33:39 +0000 PENDAMPINGAN SEKOLAH RAWAT DAERAH ALIRAN SUNGAI (SERDADU) SEBAGAI UPAYA MEMBANGKITKAN KEPEDULIAN DAN KEBERSIHAN LINGKUNGAN PADA SISWA http://ejurnal.staiattaqwa.ac.id/index.php/p3m22/article/view/294 <p style="text-align: justify;">The Sekardadu (Sekolah Rawat Daerah Aliran Sungai) program is one of the pillars in the Banyuwangi Rebound Program with the Knitting Harmony design. Some of the activities in the pillars of building harmony are a) empowering HIPPA by improving community-based irrigation management, b) increasing the capacity of HIPPAM administrators for community clean water services, c) maturing innovations including Tandonization to maintain water availability based on conservation tourism education, and initiating programs Sekardadu in Banyuwangi involves involving schools as agents of change and participating in keeping watersheds clean and beautiful. One of the aims of holding this program is to improve the environmental health of the community, especially environmental health along the river flow in Banyuwangi.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">The aims of this service are: Providing knowledge about the dangers of littering in river water, Inviting people to directly clean up rubbish on the banks of the river and be careful not to let it fall into the river.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">The expected output of assistance is that by empowering elementary school students, it is hoped that it can foster a sense of love for cleanliness around rivers. It is hoped that there will be awareness from an early age not to throw rubbish into river water channels. Apart from students, encouraging parents to get used to healthy living by protecting the environment around rivers also has a positive impact on children.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong><em>Keywords: Sekardadu, Educational Institutions, Agents of change.</em></strong></p> Lilit Biati ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://ejurnal.staiattaqwa.ac.id/index.php/p3m22/article/view/294 Thu, 26 Oct 2023 05:54:05 +0000 PEMBERDAYAAN KERAJINAN TANGAN DI DESA PECALONGAN KECAMATAN SUKOSARI, KABUPATEN BONDOWOSO http://ejurnal.staiattaqwa.ac.id/index.php/p3m22/article/view/295 <p style="text-align: justify;">Handicraft is one of the results of creativity that is very unique and interesting, much liked by all people. In Pecalongan Village itself, for example, there are handicrafts by making rice bowls, rice hoods, and so on from coconut leaves. The existence of bamboo crafts can help the economy there. Apart from that, it can also be skill for children to develop their creativity.The aim of handicrafts from bamboo is so that children can be creative and can last for generations to come. and can create a job opportunity to help people who are experiencing difficulties. help stabilize the economy of the people in Pecalongan village. The results can be used by the community itself and can also be exported to various countries. and can also motivate other villages to develop too. in terms of economic, social, cultural, technological, and others.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Keywords</strong>: <em>Pemberdayaan kerajinan tangan dari bambu</em></p> Mika Setiawati ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://ejurnal.staiattaqwa.ac.id/index.php/p3m22/article/view/295 Thu, 26 Oct 2023 06:01:56 +0000 OPTIMALISASI POSDAYA BERBASIS MASJID MELALUI KEGIATAN KKN DALAM RANGKA PENEKANAN ANGKA STUNTING http://ejurnal.staiattaqwa.ac.id/index.php/p3m22/article/view/298 <p style="text-align: justify;">Higher education as a center for the maintenance and development of science and technology aims to educate students to have a spirit of dedication and enthusiasm for research and have an attitude of great responsibility towards the future of the nation and state. The role of universities and students in national and regional development efforts needs to be increased in accordance with the needs of the current and future eras. For this reason, in one of the villages, namely in Patemon village, assistance is needed in order to reduce the stunting rate.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Among the 5 (five) programs are 1) Family Religious Empowerment, 2) Family Education Empowerment, 3) Family Economic Empowerment, 4) Family Health Empowerment, and 5) Family Environmental Insight Empowerment. It is very urgent to pay attention to these five aspects because they involve fundamental rights that must be understood and carried out by each person with full awareness. However, in the health sector, the priority program is reducing stunting rates. It is in this context that family awareness in fulfilling their rights in the fields of religion, education, health, economics and the environment must be taken into account by all parties, to realize justice, prosperity and shared prosperity</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">&nbsp;</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Keywords</strong>: Keywords: mosque-based posdaya, stunting</p> Wafi Ali Hajjaj ##submission.copyrightStatement## http://ejurnal.staiattaqwa.ac.id/index.php/p3m22/article/view/298 Thu, 26 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0000